Monsoons in Kolkata are an alluring reminder of everyone’s childhood. As the sky transitions from bright sunny to a sombre grey accompanied by an overcast of clouds, one is coerced to be transported back to the young days. It reminds us of the days when one would get drenched in the rain while cycling their way home from school or tuition. Young couples would park their bikes and take shelter in roadside tea stalls, and enjoy piping hot cups of masala tea and fritters while waiting for the downpour to come to a halt. And the elderly in the house will heave a sigh of relief as the blistering humid weather cool down to a pleasant temperature. Indeed, the rise of the familiar petrichor - the muddy roads and blurry visions that the fierce Kolkata rains render - comes wrapped with a fragrance of nostalgia.

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The monsoon season in Kolkata begins from the beginning of July, and continues till the end of August, bringing with it a few occasional waterlogged lanes and a much-needed respite from the scorching summer heat. The city receives a good amount of rainfall and it becomes crucial to carry an umbrella every time one steps out of their houses. If you love the rain and find it romantic, sit by the windows and get mesmerised by the fall while drinking something hot.

There are many ways to enjoy the rainy season in Kolkata. To begin with, if you get stuck in the middle of the road while travelling homewards, you could make a quick stop beneath the makeshift plastic canopies of the street food and tea stalls. Treat yourself with a Kolkata special Kathi roll, hot momos, pakoras and tea and enjoy the essence of monsoon as you wait for the rain to come to a halt.

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There are many places to visit in Kolkata during monsoon. If you find the time to drive past Victoria Memorial, Dhakuria Lake or Princep Ghat Garden, be assured to be treated to ethereal, rainwashed sights of nature. One of the best ways to enjoy the monsoons is to spend time in open-air cafes and restaurants like The Bridge Bistro Bar or the Sky Deck at Kolkata Floatel, a floating hotel in Kolkata. Listen to the sudden fury of thunder, witness the fierce flashes of lightning that rip through the clouds, and feel the soft sputter of rain that gushes from the skies as you savour gourmet delicacies and enjoy views of Howrah Bridge!

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